Topsoil forms the upper 3-10 inches of the earth’s surface. An active part of the natural lifecycle, that soil is richer in nutrients than the subsoil beneath it. Topsoil forms when large rocks break down and other organic matter gradually adds to the mix. One inch of topsoil will take as much as 100 years to form.

Good quality topsoil contains a rich mix of nutrients necessary for healthy plants. It appears darker than subsoil because of the organic matter it contains. The right type of topsoil retains water as well as nutrients, promoting healthy plant growth. A rich layer of quality topsoil ensures healthy lawns and gardens.

Landscapers add topsoil to projects to give new plants a healthy start. It can be used to improve the quality or quantity of soil in the area being worked. The soil surrounding a new house, for instance, is likely to be sandy or full of clay. Adding several inches of topsoil to the landscape will ensure new plants and seeds get the nutrients they need and new roots can spread.

Different types of topsoil serve different purposes. A less nutrient-rich soil might be used to backfill a project, change the grade of a property or provide the base for patios and paver paths. Commercial topsoil is sifted to remove rocks, making it easier to work with. Compacted topsoil prevents erosion and provides a good foundation for hard surfaces and lawns.

Jones Topsoil has been providing quality topsoil in Columbus, OH since 1924.